====== Qualtrics ======
Qualtrics is a powerful online survey tool that allows one to build and distribute surveys, as well conduct analysis and reporting on responses.
===== Qualtrics @ Temple University =====
There are several instances of Qualtrics at the University. The College of Public Health's instance of Qualtrics is accessible here: https://cphapps.temple.edu/qualtrics
The CPH instance of Qualtrics is approved to store data that may be considered sensitive.
===== Usage & Support =====
All College of Public Health faculty, staff and students may access Qualtrics.
If you are not able to log in, please email [[cphhelp@temple.edu|cphhelp@temple.edu]] and provide a screenshot of your screen.
If you require technical assistance with usage of the product, you may either contact us or [[https://www.qualtrics.com/support-center|Qualtrics Support]] directly.
===== Resources =====
* [[https://basecamp.qualtrics.com | Qualtrics Basecamp]] (Training)
* [[https://www.qualtrics.com/support | Qualtrics XM Support]] (Knowledgebase and documentation)
* [[https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/common-use-cases-rc/displaying-live-results | Displaying Live Results]]
===== Frequently Asked Questions =====
=== When logging into Qualtrics Support or Qualtrics Basecamp, I was prompted to enter a brand. What is our Qualtrics brand? ===
The CPH Qualtrics brand is: **chpswtemple**
=== During my first login, I was prompted with an additional question. ===
If you see a prompt similar to below, please select "No, I don't have a preexisting account here."