====== History page ====== The "History" page is one of the core features of the Leave system. It allows you to view your previously submitted or pending time-off requests. You can also cancel your requests, request a cancellation of an approved request, or send updates to your timekeeper manually. ===== Pending requests ===== The "Pending Requests" table shows you requests that were submitted, but no action has been taken on them yet. This table also shows requests that have been submitted for cancellation after they had already been approved. ===== Request Lookup ===== The "Request Lookup" table shows you requests that have been either cancelled, approved, or rejected. ===== Totals Summary ===== The "Totals Summary" shows you a summary of your days that have been approved. ===== Canceling a request ===== If a request has already been approved, you can request to cancel it. Switching the status of an "Approved" request to "Cancelled" will actually change the status to "Cancellation Requested", which will notify your supervisor that you would like to cancel that day. If your request has not already been approved, you can simply go in and change the status to "Cancelled". ===== Frequently asked questions ===== Please see the [[it:leave:faq|Frequently Asked Questions]] page.