====== AI in Teaching ====== ==== What is AI? ==== AI is an abbreviation for Artificial Intelligence and has many applications, such as Alexa, Siri, robot vacuums, customer service chatbots, self-driving cars, ChatGPT, and many others. ==== Temple's Generative AI tools Policy as of August 27, 2024 ==== === Temple has established a blanket policy that the use of generative AI tools is prohibited for students, unless an instructor explicitly grants permission. === We encourage you to articulate your stance on the use of these tools in your syllabi. \\ **Turnitin’s AI detector** tool will be available for faculty. \\ You must request access and complete a brief asynchronous training on **Turnitin’s AI detector** before the tool will be enabled. \\ Please login to [[https://tuhelp.temple.edu/|TUhelp]], click on "Request Help", then select the "**Turnitin AI Detector**" option to submit your request. \\ \\ For more detailed information on AI use at Temple, see the CAT’s [[https://teaching.temple.edu/faculty-guide-ai |A Faculty Guide to A.I.]] \\ If you have questions about these policies, feel free to reach out to Stephanie Fiore at sfiore@temple.edu ==== Resources for Using AI ==== The Temple University Center for the Advancement of Teaching (CAT) and Student Success Center (SSC) provide the resources below: * [[https://teaching.temple.edu/sites/teaching/files/resource/pdf/Chat-GPT%20syllabus%20statement%20guidance.pdf | Sample Syllabus Statements]] * **[[https://teaching.temple.edu/faculty-guide-ai|A Faculty Guide to A.I.]]**: Provides an introduction to AI and guide to determine if and how to use it in your class * [[https://sites.temple.edu/edvice/2024/07/23/navigating-ai-essential-edvice-exchange-reads-for-fall/|Navigating AI Essential EDvice Exchange Reads for Fall]] * **[[https://teaching.temple.edu/sites/teaching/files/media/document/Evaluating%20the%20Effectiveness%20of%20Turnitin%E2%80%99s%20AI%20Writing%20Indicator%20Model_0.pdf|Evaluating the Effectiveness of Turnitin’s AI Writing Indicator Model]]:** Provides an evaluation of the usefulness of Turnitin as a tool to help you determine if a student has submitted work that is AI-generated ==== Workshops and Consultations ==== The CAT provides workshops and individual consultations to facilitate discussions and provide guidance regarding the use of AI in your teaching. * **[[https://teaching.temple.edu/workshops-programs-events|Workshops]]:** List of workshops offered by the CAT and registration link * **[[https://catbooking.temple.edu/appointments?lid=5058|Schedule a Consultation]]:** Schedule a consultation with a CAT consultant