====== Video Captioning ====== **This workflow is NOT for recordings that contain any HIPPA protected information. Please submit a ticket directly to the university computing group ITS to tuhelp.temple.edu requesting captioning of any videos containing HIPPA protected information.** Per [[https://www.temple.edu/accessibility/policies-guidelines/standards-and-guidelines/accessibility-guidelines-multimedia|university policy]], all videos used in courses during the first week of the semester must be captioned. In addition, some students may need accommodations beyond the first week. ===== Outside Vendor ===== IMPORTANT: We are not permitted to submit third party videos for captioning. Videos must be owned by either the submitter or Temple University. For captioning of movies/films, contact [[https://library.temple.edu/contact-us | Temple University Library]]. Many videos are already captioned, but, if you have Temple-owned or self-made video that needs to be professionally captioned due to a DRS request, CPH IT can coordinate with an outside captioning vendor to caption the video. There will be no charge to you or your department. Please be aware, however, there is a 1.5 week turnaround time for the vendor to process captioning. If you need Temple-owned or self-made videos captioned, please fill out the [[https://cph.to/request/caption | CPH TUhelp Captioning Request form]]. (Note: videos must be uploaded to [[https://video.temple.edu | Panopto]] prior to submitting the request.) /* ^ ^ ^ |1. Go to [[https://tuhelp.temple.edu/|tuhelp.temple.edu]] | | |2. Click on **Request Help** and log in | {{:it:video:screen_shot_2022-08-01_at_2.08.36_pm.png?direct&600|}} | |3. Under the School, College, and Departmental Services section, click on **College of Public Health** //(This option is only visible to Faculty and Staff; if you are a Student Worker, please have your supervisor submit the request)// | {{:screen_shot_2022-08-01_at_2.04.03_pm.png?direct&600|}} | |4. Select **CPH-Captioning: Pre-Recorded Media (only videos owned by submitter/Temple)** | {{:it:video:screen_shot_2022-08-01_at_2.04.20_pm.png?direct&600|}} | |5. Fill in the required fields | | |6. Click on **Submit Request** | | */ ===== Zoom Audio Transcription ===== Zoom has audio transcription available for videos recorded to the cloud. The transcription appears along the right side of the page when viewing your video and identifies speakers and time stamps. This transcription will need to be reviewed and edited for any issues since it is auto-generated. For more information about Zoom transcription, including how to turn it on for your Zoom account, please see [[https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115004794983-Using-audio-transcription-for-cloud-recordings-|Using Audio Transcription for Cloud Recordings]]. /* ===== YouTube Auto-captioning Tool ===== For self-captioning short videos, YouTube's built-in auto-captioning feature can be a useful tool. After a video is uploaded and processed, a captioning file may be created, as long as the speaker's voice is distinctly heard above any background noise. The level of accuracy depends on how loud and clear the presenter speaks. After YouTube has generated the captioning file, it is highly recommended to check the auto-generated captions and correct any issues. Once the captions have been checked and corrected, download the .vtt file and upload that file to your video hosted in [[http://ensemble.temple.edu|Ensemble]]. After you have added the captioning file to the video, a "cc" button will appear along the bottom as an option. The video included below provides step-by-step guidance on how to use the YouTube auto-captioning feature and add the file to your video in Ensemble. For more information on the YouTube auto-captioning tool, visit these links: * [[https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6373554?hl=en|YouTube Auto-Captioning Tool]] * [[https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2734705|Editing the YouTube Auto-Captions]] */