Table of Contents

Accessibility and ADA Compliance

Temple University is committed to ensuring that the facilities, information, and technology it creates or provides are accessible in accordance with applicable law. Visit Temple University's Accessibility Site for more information about the university's policies and resources related to accessibility and ADA compliance.

Accessible Syllabi and Other Text Documents

The Temple University Course Syllabi Policy (Number: 02.78.13) says, "Students must be provided with a course syllabus in an accessible format…". Ensuring the syllabus and other documents are accessible will make them easier to use with screen readers, if needed. Although the CPH course syllabus template has been checked for accessibility, after editing the syllabus and adding your content to the template, it's a good idea to re-check it before posting it to your Canvas course.

To check documents for accessibility, a few popular applications, such as Word and Acrobat, have built-in accessibility checkers. The checkers identify issues and provide instructions and advice for how to correct any accessibility errors. Click on the links below for more information.

Accessibility in Canvas

Although the Canvas application is ADA compliant, if the the content you add into the Canvas shell is not compliant, then the course will not be compliant. Fortunately, Canvas also has a built-in accessibility checker. To learn more, refer to Canvas Accessibility Checker.

Captioning Video

Per university policy, all videos used during the first week of the semester must be captioned. In addition, some students may need accommodations beyond the first week.

For more information on video captioning, please review the Video Captioning page.