Table of Contents


CPH Conference Rooms

In preparation for the move to Paley, CPH IT has been working on an updated and more modern approach to reserving and using conference rooms. A pilot test is underway in the Dean's Suite Conference rooms and involves multiple changes including:

Conference Rooms 1 and 2 are fully upgraded and live; Conference Room 3/The Board Room has been partially upgraded. All conference rooms in the Dean's Suite are on the new calendaring system in Outlook.


Conference Rooms can be scheduled using either:

  1. Outlook
  2. Touch Panel located outside the conference rooms

Important notes:

Wireless Connection

If you wish to use technology in conference rooms, you will need to bring your own laptop or mobile device. A wireless connection device is installed in each conference room and will enable you to connect your laptop or other mobile device to the installed screen(s), speaker(s), and microphone(s).


Rooms using New Outlook Based Calendar WITH Reservation Touch Panel

Location Calendar Name Calendar Link
Bell Building Dean Suite CPH Conference Room 1 CPH Conference Room 1
Bell Building Dean Suite CPH Conference Room 2 CPH Conference Room 2

Rooms using New Outlook Based Calendar WITHOUT Reservation Touch Panel

Location Calendar Name Calendar Link (If available)
Bell Building Dean Suite CPH Board Room CPH Board Room
Jones Hall Jones Hall 500
Pearson Hall Pearson Hall 233 (Large)
Pearson Hall Pearson Hall 254 (Small)
Pearson Hall Pearson Hall 259 (Nursing Hotel Office)
Ritter Annex Ritter Annex 921
Ritter Annex Ritter Annex 941
Ritter Annex Ritter Annex 992

Rooms using SharePoint Based Calendar

Location Calendar Name
1700 North Broad Room 310
Ritter Annex Ritter Annex 559


Instructions on scheduling and using conference rooms are available by clicking on the links below.