REDCap is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases. While REDCap can be used to collect virtually any type of data in any environment (including compliance with 21 CFR Part 11, FISMA, HIPAA, and GDPR), it is specifically geared to support online and offline data capture for research studies and operations.

Access REDCap

Join the REDCap Community on Microsoft Teams

There are multiple instances of REDCap available at the university and health system, hosted and maintained by several different groups:

  • the College of Public Health ("CPH")
  • Temple University Health System ("TUHS")
  • Fox Chase Cancer Center ("FCCC")

This article will information about the CPH instance of REDCap, which is located here:
For information about the TUHS instance, please visit here:
For information about the FCCC instance, please visit here:

The CPH instance of REDCap is approved to store data that may be considered PHI.

Please join our the REDCap community on Microsoft Teams:

This is intended to be an interactive space where REDCap users across Temple can discuss REDCap usage and implementation. It is not intended as a way to receive support from our IT team for REDCap support, but you may ask general questions if you need assistance.

All College of Public Health faculty and staff may request access to REDCap. Student workers or researchers may be granted access on a per-request basis from their supervisors.

CPH has also partnered with the College of Liberal Arts ("CLA") and the College of Education & Human Development ("CEHD") to provide users access to the CPH instance of REDCap. Please follow the table below to direct your access or support request.

Faculty / Research Affiliation Support Group Contact Email
College of Public Health CPH IT
College of Liberal Arts CLA IT
College of Education & Human Development CEHD IT
Fox Chase Cancer Center FCCC Team
Temple Health or LKSOM Health Sciences Library William Dean and Alice Livshits
  • Cross-Project Piping
  • Date Calculated Fields
  • Email Alerts
  • Form Render Skip Logic
  • REDCaptcha
  • Survey UI Tweaks
  • Calendar Trigger

How do I get a new module installed or activated?

Please reach out to to request a new module. Provide a link to the module and any details pertaining to it's intended use.

How can I use Twilio?

Please reach out to to request Twilio activation for a specific project. You must have your own Twilio account and provide your API client tokens.

How can I invite an external collaborator?

Because of our strict security requirements for REDCap, we require external collaborators to have a Temple University AccessNet with two-step verification enabled for access.

A full time employee (faculty or staff) will need to sponsor a Guest account for any individual who needs access. This can be done via TUportal's "Guest Access Request System" (GARS) application. Once the account(s) have been approved and provisioned, they will receive instructions and be able to activate their account. Then, they will be able to log into TUportal and set themselves up with two-step verification. You should then contact the appropriate support team to give the individual(s) access.

If you are unsure about how to proceed during any point during this process, please contact the appropriate support team to assist.