MySQL Installation
Students in the HIM 3113 001 Healthcare Database and Design course are required to have laptops with MySQL installed and configured to connect to the course database server.
For Windows Users
- Step 1: Install MySQL Workbench
- Step 2: Install MySQL Connector
- Step 3: Install MySQL Excel Plugin
- Step 4: Connect to the MySQL server MySQL Database Connection
For Mac Users Running Catalina
MySQL will not work on a Mac running Catalina and requires use of BootCamp and Windows. If you have a Mac running Mojave and a 256GB or larger hard drive, it is recommended you also use BootCamp. Installing BootCamp and Windows will also enable you to install and run Access and install and use the Excel plug-in on Windows running on your Mac.
- Step 1: Install Boot Camp and Windows (Note: If you prefer, you can take your Mac to the Genius Bar for the Boot Camp Installation or schedule an appointment with the Help Desk Clinic)
- Step 2: From within Windows, follow the instructions above for Windows users
For Mac Users with 128GB Hard Drives
A Mac version of MySQL is available for Mac users unable install BootCamp and Windows on their Mac because of technology limitations. Please be aware, however, some features and functionality of the MySQL Windows version are unavailable in the Mac version, and you will be unable to install the Excel plug-in and MS Access. If you have a Mac with a 256GB or larger hard drive, it's recommended you install and run BootCamp and Windows as detailed above.
- Step 1: Install MySQL Workbench for Mac
- Step 2: Install MySQL ODBC and iODBC for Mac
- Step 3: Connect to the MySQL server MySQL Database Connection